welcome to my area

banyak hal yang sebenernya bisa gw bagi disini, dan buat loe semua yang cinta banget sama dunia jurnalistik, disini emang tempat yang pas buat ngungkapin semua uneg-uneg or apa aja yang kerekam di pikiran loe...

salam jurnalis!!

Kamis, 13 Desember 2012

Stand up and smile..

Try for a moment you think
not tired when it all had to end up here
moment is painful
I also felt
but this is the best
you should not keep silent running

live is only once
do't let it wait
cause time will not return
let it pass
fill the niche of your heart
although no longer in love as the first

Try for a moment you feel
glimmer of hope are always accompany your steps
you shouldn'tkeep silent running
forget all your wounds
forget all that made ​​you cry
you can make sure your smile
illuminated heart

despite all the pigeons that had stuck in his cage beautiful
has gone back to its origin
flying free and probably not coming back
rest assured that there is still a wisp wings clasped in yours

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