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banyak hal yang sebenernya bisa gw bagi disini, dan buat loe semua yang cinta banget sama dunia jurnalistik, disini emang tempat yang pas buat ngungkapin semua uneg-uneg or apa aja yang kerekam di pikiran loe...

salam jurnalis!!

Selasa, 26 Juni 2012

the stars rising

I never know what must I do to make my pain heal

almost ten years I still alone..
and a month I never heard the news about him..

one by one slipped away..
go away from me without saying goodbye..

you know ! I really sad
like walk away alone in the dark.
no light, no direction, and nobody else in my side..

but now, I see someone like you..
this voice, and the way he spoken..
its so similar to you..

although closely as any you
you guys are different....

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